Biker Chic

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Howdy Friend. Was February good to you? How’s your heart? How’s your mind? Comments is where I plan to read all about your encounters, and responses to these questions. I am grateful. My heart is full. I don’t know what the future holds, thankfully I know Who holds the future. My default position therefore is one of rest in love and victory.

I first used a motorbike in 2004 while on campus at Makerere University, regards to the Information Technology class of 2004. I have since continued to use this mode of transportation. It keeps me from experiences that sound a little like this;
‘I sat in traffic from as early as 6a.m. only to get to my desk at work at 9a.m.’ and that is if said ‘conversationist’ caught a lucky break where for example, traffic police decides to block one lane of incoming traffic, to pass out triple lanes of opposing traffic, who use up their lanes and that of the blocked off lane. At any given time of the day, I shall make the motorbike commute from the house and be in town after twenty minutes.

That photograph was taken some time last year, and for the title to this blog, and the framing of the picture, can you spot the irony therein? I look forward to reading from you in the comments section. About the same time, I have toyed with the idea of making a down payment on a motorbike. This then puts finance into focus, my prayer is that He will teach me to count my flocks that I may be wise in the land, scripture memorization would give me a D for paraphrasing the way I did there.
If previously I had been in the habit of being bourgeoisie with my expenses, I’m speaking about bonds and varied investments, setting up standing orders among other methods of getting savvy with the money. Especially in light of the dream that is to procure one, preferably a Ducati Vaele.

You might be wondering, how do my loved ones feel about my dream. First off, I have not mentioned it to them, however I have mentioned it to God and the anticipation for this gu testimony is off the scale, shout out to you Glosswan for teaching me about the gu testimony remark. I am in the process of finding a table over which He’ll set a table before m…how does that phrase end? Drop me a line in the comments.
As with most loved ones, I imagine they are not going to be too thrilled with the choice in vehicle, my hope though, is that they’ll support me. Is that asking too much? Have you gone through something that I could learn from, you think? Drop me a line in the comments section, won’t you? Thank you.

If it should go well, and I become a steward of this motorbike then I hope to share my experience with the younger ladies, among other things, how to love their husband and raise respectful children. Memorising scripture is something I am working on. Bear with me. Unless you know the Word, what’s to keep the Enemy from twisting it with lies and throwing you off your game, after all he came to steal, kill and destroy your joy, your peace of mind, your relationships. Know this. Jesus loves you. More than you know in this moment. Might you consider exploring what it means to be loved by the God of Heaven and all things seen and unseen, created in the spiritlies and physical? Let me break it down for you, when that voice in your head keeps going at you about how you’ve messed up, and how you do not deserve to be loved, God says He has loved you with an everlasting love. Spot the difference? Or should I say the lie?
That voice might be telling you that nobody loves you; God says in His word that He loves You, nothing can pluck you from His love.
That voice might be telling you that your marriage won’t survive this. God says He knows the plans concerning you, and they are good plans, not to harm you, but to give you a future and a hope.
Those voices may be saying a host of things to you right now, and I would like to submit to you, to trust God at His word, in every area of your life. I’d be happy to walk with you for part way of the journey. Can’t make you promises for the future, we make plans, God directs our steps. So, see your feedback from the comments, yes?

I hope to make a cross continent trip on a good bike. Visit Alexandria, and traverse the Sahara, by which time I hope it will be called Sahara Impenetrable Forest, seeing as I’d have been partnering with other like minded people, to reforestate the desert that has been characteristic of most maps that speak of Africa, both then and now, but not my will, let the will of God be done in this matter, in Jesus name, amen. And go all the way to the Southern Cape and back home to Kampala, I hope I can take you on that trip with me. Speaking of which, I am going to need one of those three hundred and sixty degree video cameras, that I can then mount onto my helmet, thereby effectively taking you on the trip with me, albeit your current geographical location. Speaking of which, if you don’t mind volunteering possible bikers routes, drop me an idea or ten in the comments’ section and who knows, I just might be in your area one of these days, and maybe we could share fish and chips and a cuppa tea, what do you say?

At the end of the day, I submit to you, live a little, grow a little more everyday, challenge yourself, try something new, do something that scares you, just take care of yourself. Take some people on the journey with you, release those that would like to jump off at whatever point in the journey, and always trust God above everything else. Make other peoples’ dreams come true along your journey of self-discovery. Be kind to everyone. We are human beings first. Not human doings. Be kind to yourself as well. Be good to yourself. After all your body, and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Carry yourself like you know. Hold your head up. Shoulders out. Don’t hassle the tummy, just walk a bit further when you do. Be Great.

It always is a pleasure, making a moment to inscribe my hopes and dreams and share them with you. I hope you do the same, with me, or not, no pressure. Make the future better for them today. Use the dustbins, make compost, plant a garden, and then capture how it all makes you feel, on paper in ink.
Speaking of which, I am going to make a definite plan to put a book together, what I am not yet clear on is, do I plan it a chapter at a time…I’ll tell you all about it as I go along.
Till next time,
Easy Does it.


3 thoughts on “Biker Chic

  1. The validity in this dream here is to get one. I have lots of stories of people falling off bikes, or even never falling off motorbikes. But the one thing I always tell my children is that just because the fall that hurts, getting up counts because that is when you can tell the true reward of a bicycle. So, hey… get that bike! We want to see and hear all those stories, but also the motivation in your getting up each time you fall off!!

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